Saturday, May 2, 2009

State of Play Review

The Pitch: Cal McAffrey (Crowe) is a seasoned Washington journalist who has a hunch that a purse-snatching kid in involved with the alleged suicide of a Congressman’s assistant. With the assistance of a young and eager reporter, (McAdams), he uncovers a massive conspiracy.

High Points: This is a smart script. There is a wealth of twists, but none of them have to beat you over the head. The performances -- especially Jason Bateman’s -- are solid as well.

Low Points: A few scenes drag on too long, making it feel much longer than its two-hour run time. That being said, we would be hard-pressed to find something worth cutting.

Final Thoughts: State of Play was originally cast with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton in the lead roles, but then Pitt bailed and the writer’s strike finished it off. It would have been great to see those two spar again for the first time since Fight Club.

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