Barah Aana is a story that revolves around the friendship between a driver called Shukla (Naseeruddin Shah), a watchman Yadav (Vijay Raaz) and a waiter Aman (Arjun Mathur).
Naseeruddin brings with him the maturity and dependency that you can expect from a man of his age. Raaz on the other hand is lazy and mischievous man who prefers life that is easy and laid back. And finally there is the young Arjun who is simply brimming with ambition and wants to make it in life.But what happens when one of them gets involved in the world of crime and how it impacts the other two is what Barah Aana is all about.
Raja Menon’s Barah Aana is a refreshing film because it gives you a light comedy coupled with some serious moments and why it works is because it is tightly held together and is filled with brilliant performances.Naseeruddin Shah does yet another fantastic job. It is always a treat to watch Shah on screen because time and again he impresses and never once does he let you down. Vijay Raaz, one of Bollywood’s most under utilized actors, shines as well as Shah in almost every frame.Newcomers Arjun Mathur and Tannishtha surprise us with a strong presence on screen. Both of these are talents to watch out for! But most credit for the film should go to the director Raja Menon who has ensured the script has been fleshed out perfectly and more importantly it has been executed very well.
Sure there are some flaws but that can be expected from a film that is tight on budget but having said that none of them are glaringly obvious.The film is definite recommendation for this weekend especially for all the Naseer fans!
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