Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crank High Voltage Review

After surviving the certain-death plunge that ended 2006's Crank, hitman Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) is abducted by goons who transplant his heart into an ailing Chinese crime boss (David Carradine). In its place, Chelios gets an artificial organ with a battery pack that needs constant jolts of outside electricity to keep ticking. Crank High Voltage treats audiences the same way, administering regular shocks — whether smutty, gory, or just plain weird — lest people's brains get bogged down in the messy plot. The result, an eye-popping strobe of flesh and blood, is as visually stunning as it is absurdly offensive, sure to thrill some while leaving others in a state of outrage-induced catatonia

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