Sunday, May 3, 2009

Aalo Chat Bollywood Movie Review

Aloo Chaat is the age old film that revolves around parents trying to fix an arranged marriage for their son while he has his eyes on another girl. Nikhil (Aftab Shivdasani) is trying to deal with his narrow minded parents who are all set to get him married with a Punjabi girl of their choice.

He on the other hand is in love with Aamna (Aamna Sharif) but is not able to disclose that to his family. And so he uses his father’s friend to help convince his father that Aamna is the girl for Nikhil. Will he succeed? Aloo Chaat disappoints you at many levels. Aftab’s acting is very mediocre. Aamna is even worse.

And I don’t think it’s the actors who need to be blamed for it. The screenplay is so clichéd and so mediocre that anyone would be bored of the script.As a part of the audience, I yawned through most of the film and was so restless all through out. I actually knew the end even before we got there because the script was so filled with the same situations that we have seen on so many occasions in so many movies that this film felt more like a hot pot of all those films.Robby Grewal’s direction is nothing spectacular either.

He does an average job and sadly for him the results at the box office will also be average – if that!This is one chaat that will only give you indigestion and so our advice is to stay far away from it!

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